And who can blame them? For nearly a quarter century, even mentioning the words "tax increase" without preceding them with the words "job killing," "economy destroying," "socialistic," and/or "child molesting" can give a Republican officeholder a one-way ticket into a talking head slot on MSNBC's late shift. And the main reason for this fact of life is this man:
Grover Norquist may sound like a cross between a muppet and a Norwegian fisherman, but make no mistake: he has literally made "taxes" a four letter word among Republicans with his Taxpayer Protection Pledge:
I pledge to the American people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.
GOPers who refuse to sign the pledge might as well start wearing Birkenstocks and smoking weed on the campaign trail. Which is why Republicans are unable to even consider the idea of tax increases as a part of the debt ceiling negotiations - after all, if your choice is between economic ruin and pissing off a bearded Norweigian muppet, there really is no choice.
Which is why GefilteBacon has decided to jump into the breach and form its own pledge, the AMERICA PROTECTION PLEDGE.
By asking your elected representatives to sign this pledge, you can give them the political cover they need to make the tough choices in this budget fight. So please clip this out and ask your Congressman or woman to stand up for principle by signing the Pledge. The nation you save could be your own!
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