Monday, August 8, 2011

What Else Standard & Poor's Got Wrong

Much has been made by the revalation that Standard & Poor's made a $2 trillion accounting error when it provided the government its rationale for downgrading U.S. debt from AAA to AA+.

But what is less known is that their analysis included several other noticeable errors:

    • Kept referring to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner as "Chuck"
    • Repeatedly added an extra "b" to "debt."
    • Comparison of the debt ceiling debate to the final battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort incorrectly asserted that Hermione was romantically involved with a Quiddich bat.
    • Sassy comments about Michelle Obama's thighs could be construed as somewhat extraneous
    • Initial draft repeatedly referred to Standard & Poor's as the "Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger."
    • Olde English font hard to read
    • Cover letter inexplicably addressed to Sue from "Glee"
    • Semi-erotic doodles of Ben Bernacke in the margins not whited out
    • Shout out to all the Capricorns in da house felt a bit forced
    • Most of the analysis of long-term currency fluctuations copied directly from Wikipedia
    • Confused the gross domestic product of the United States with that of Tatooine
    • Track changes edits made by Michele Bachmann not all accepted.


  1. this was august 8. i's almost the end of september. where the f&$@ are you?

  2. Sorry. We've been on the road with the Perry campaign.
